Why Did I Choose to Become a Web Designer?


Starting to write my own blog after 10 years of creating websites feels strange.

So, to begin, I decided to go back to 2013 and figure out why I chose this particular path—and, more importantly, why I still do it.

This exploration into my past isn’t just about me. It’s a way to let you understand what keeps me going, what keeps me building, and why it matters for my present and future business partners.

Join me as I explain why I stuck with web design for a decade.

Back in the day

In the summer of 2013, at 16 years of age, I decided that I wanted to become something more than I was. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what sparked this ambition—maybe it was the fact that I never had much money, or perhaps it boiled down to addressing the typical boredom of my day-to-day life back then.

Whatever the cause, the effect of my newfound interest was that I started learning basic HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP while working on some free projects for friends and family.

After couple weeks of telling everyone about my new career path, I landed my first paid projects. I am fortunate enough to have experienced only smooth collaborations with friendly people in the beginning of my freelancing business.

This gave me and idea that I could probably make a decent living as a web designer & developer. So I continued, and year after year, I took on new clients, projects, retainers, was involved in multiple start-ups with varying degrees of success, went through just about every possible situation you can find yourself in when doing this job, and finally found some peace in my hard-gained experience.

Even though the web design landscape changes constantly and rapidly, I find myself able to adapt fairly quickly and even grow in spite of every challenge that’s thrown at me.

How I found my love for web projects

There’s something special about this field. I always felt it, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

It’s only recently, by involving myself in different businesses (such as digital marketing, HR, consulting), that I found what I love most about web design.

It’s the fact that creating a website – properly – involves a wide range of tasks integral to defining a business’s core marketing message, products, services, and offers. Creating a good website is essentially bringing a business to the internet, and that includes a lot of work every businessman or businesswoman must go through when starting a new project, product, or service.

This means that by taking projects from start to finish, I gain extremely valuable experience – not just in how to create better websites, but also in what makes a good business succeed.

That kind of experience is priceless. Now, don’t get me wrong—I certainly don’t intend to abandon my career path in the foreseeable future. I see myself doing this for a long time still.

But, my final destination when it comes to web projects is to extend my services to be even more in the realm of business-building, instead of just website brochure building.

I want to help entrepreneurs realize their vision through the power of the internet. And I am grateful for every opportunity to do so.

Long term vision

Every new client I take on is a study in a new way of doing business. I always intend to gain a deep understanding of their marketing, sales, operations, etc., in order to deliver a great website.

I want to build and maintain a reputation as someone who not only designs and develops perfect website projects but also actively contributes to helping businesses grow.

To conclude

So that’s me—at least insofar as my reasons for doing all this. And that is indeed a huge part of who I am.

My next couple of articles will be similar to this one. I need to get the fundamentals of myself out there before I write more. This is because I want to set the tone for all future blog posts and because I want to feel some kind of attachment to this blog, so I can stay consistent in writing for it.

Thank you for reading. I hope we will get to know each other one day. I hope your business grows and gives you everything you want. And I hope that if you were to take one thing away from this post, it’s this:

Every single job, career, or even action has some not-so-clear valuable insight that you can gain. But you can only see it after you spend some time on it and after you delve deep into it. Keep your eyes open for insight, no matter what it is you’re doing.

Free Guide: Prepare for your New Website

A Guide for Service Business Owners on How to Prepare for Their New Website Projects