Category: Uncategorized
My thoughts, personal notes and articles written specifically to be sent as an answer to common questions I get asked. You might find information relevant to your next project here - but you’ll be better served by just contacting me directly. If, however, you want to understand me better before reaching out, read on.
Set Website Goals to Make it a Good Investment
When talking about websites, I always mention that having a website isn't just about having a spot on the internet where your business presentation lives.
Why Exactly Do You Need a New Website?
In today's digital market, deciding to create or update a website should be a well-thought-out choice. Why exactly do you need a new website? This question is especially important for…
Why I Choose WordPress Over Webflow in Web Design & Development
Choosing between WordPress and Webflow isn't just a technical decision for a web designer and developer; it's a strategic one. In this field, tools matter a lot. My journey has…
My Process for Creating a New Website
Read this article to find out how I go about Web Design & Development. It describes my 7-step process which I use to create websites.
Can I Truly Build a Complete Website From Start to Finish?
Browsing through my services, people often ask the same question: can you really do all this yourself? The short answer is yes; the long answer is this article.
Why I Work Remotely
In recent years, I’ve shifted entirely to remote work. This article delves into the reasons behind this choice and its impact on my business.
Why Did I Choose to Become a Web Designer?
To start my new blog, I decided to go all the way back to 2013 and figure out why I chose to be a web designer.